Quick Tips to Feel and Look Younger Right Now

Do you feel or look older than you are? Most adults do. Luckily, there are simple ways you can begin to recapture your youth today. From dietary changes to altering your mindset, the following suggestions will provide you with a launching point on aging well.
How To Prevent Facial Aging
Kick your smoking habit: Smoking is one of the single worst things you can do to your body. From causing heart disease and lung disorders to a plethora of other ills, smoking is notorious for sabotaging your longevity.
Go to bed early: You may brag about only needing four hours of sleep, but you aren’t doing your body or brain any favors. The body requires sufficient sleep to recuperate and reenergize. Dreaming is even beneficial in helping your mind stay sane!
Cut back the alcohol: Alcohol infuses your cells, damages genes, and inflames the liver. Studies show that a glass of wine a day is fine for women and maybe two for men.
Remove saturated fat from your diet: Cookies, pie, candies, and cake. They all taste good in the moment, but they aren’t helping your body. In fact, they make you feel sluggish and bloated. Switch out the saturated fat with omega-3 fats and complex carbs. Next time you’re at the grocery store, look for items with healthy fats like salmon or sardines. Toss some colorful fruits and vegetables into your cart along with filling whole grains. You’re the body (and mind) will thank you for it.
Be positive: Studies show that by simply thinking positively about aging, you can prolong your life. One specific study showed that those who focused on positive thinking extended their life by as long as seven years!
Embrace change: Stop saying you’re too old to start a new hobby, travel, renew a relationship, or learn a new skill. Life-enhancing changes will make you look and feel better long term.
Schedule a consultation
For more information about how to look and feel younger, contact Bay Area Laser Cosmetic Surgery Center at (510) 724-8282 (Pinhole) or (415) 461-5755 (Larkspur), located in San Francisco. We offer a variety of surgical and non-surgical services to help you look your best.

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on Monday, April 30th, 2018 at 6:59 am and is filed under Skin Care.
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