No matter how much you might think otherwise before they happen to you, wrinkles and lines and saggy skin can be distressing. You might not feel at all like your aging on the inside, so why look like it? We offer many treatments and procedures that can help make the outside better match the inside, none more proven and permanent than a facelift.
Many lines and wrinkles are caused by excess skin
Gravity is always working to pull down our skin, and as we age, it stretches and loses the ability to bounce back. So by the time you reach a certain age, you have more skin than you did when you were younger, also impacted by:
Sun damage
Skin care
A facelift procedure can eliminate excess skin and more
The popular procedure can help eliminate wrinkles and lines and smooth your features. The surgery can help make a face appear much more youthful, and we also work to make sure that the effects appear natural so that you still look like yourself. In fact, today’s modern facelift techniques can produce natural results along with many additional benefits. Depending on your individual needs, your facelift procedure can:
Tighten sagging skin
Eliminate deep wrinkles around the eyes
Eliminate deep creases on the forehead and in the brow area
Eliminate jowls
Some patients also report feeling more confident and experiencing an increase in their energy and quality of lie after their procedure.
Consider your procedure options
Longer incisionIt begins around the hairline and goes behind the bottom of the ear. Excess skin is removed and the remaining “re-draped” to eliminate wrinkles and create a natural appearance.
Limited incision
This procedure is the same but uses a smaller incision around the temple and just behind the ear to address a smaller area. However, with multiple small incisions, a wider area can still be covered.
Continue to age, but also continue to appear younger than your years
Call us today to discuss your options for a facelift:
In Pinole (East Bay) call (510) 724-8282; In Larkspur (North Bay), call (415) 461-5755.
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