Enhance your cheekbones with facial implants

Woman beauty face healthy clean fresh skin natural make upIf you are seeking ways to enhance your facial structure and bring balance and harmony to your appearance, it may be the right time to talk to a plastic surgeon about the benefits of certain elective procedures for the face. This includes the placement of cheek implants. The use of facial implants can provide improved contours to the face as well as improved confidence in the patient. Dr. Armen Serebrakian of Bay Area Laser Cosmetic Surgery Center can help patients determine if they are good candidates.

What are cheek implants?

Cheek implants are facial implants that are placed to improve the contours of the face. They can be fabricated from several different types of materials, but most commonly, they are made from silicone. Cheek implants can be placed in both men and women seeking improved facial appearance, though patients should be over 18.

What are the benefits of cheek implants?

Many advantages can be achieved through the placement of cheek implants. These specific benefits include:

  • Improved facial contours
  • Improved confidence
  • Enhanced facial harmony
  • A more youthful appearance
  • Affordable alternative to a full facelift

Am I a candidate for cheek implants?

If you are interested in learning more about the pros and cons of cheek implants, contact our plastic surgeon, Dr. Armen Serebrakian, today. He will be able to perform a comprehensive evaluation and help you determine if this is the correct procedure for you!

What can I expect during the recovery after the cheek implant procedure?

The recovery process after cheek implant surgery is typically relatively short and easy. Most patients report only mild discomfort, which is best controlled with medication. Swelling and bruising are also typical but should resolve within a week or two. Most patients can return to normal activities within a few days, though strenuous activity should be avoided for at least 14 days.

Call Bay Area Laser Cosmetic Surgery Center today!

Pinhole and Larkspur area patients interested in finding out more about solutions for the face that are both surgical and nonsurgical can request a consultation appointment with Dr. Armen Serebrakian. With the help of our team, you can learn about ways to enhance your appearance in a natural-looking manner with an experienced plastic surgeon.


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