Safe and effective laser tattoo removal

At Bay Area Laser Cosmetic Surgery Center, Dr. Armen Serebrakian is pleased to offer a wide range of aesthetic services for patients to consider for improving their appearance. This includes the removal of unwanted tattoos. We are pleased to offer Larkspur and Pinhole area patients solutions, including laser tattoo removal, which is the only and most effective way of fading or fully removing unwanted tattoos from the skin. This technologically-advanced solution is readily available for new and established patients at our practice.

What is laser tattoo removal?

Dr. Armen Serebrakian describes laser tattoo removal as a treatment that uses specialized laser light to target and break down the ink particles in your tattoo. This process usually requires multiple sessions to achieve desired results and may not be adequate for all tattoos. During a consultation appointment, our team will evaluate you to decide if this treatment will work for your specific needs.

How does laser tattoo removal work?

Laser tattoo removal works by delivering short pulses of powerful laser energy to the tattoo ink particles. The heat from the laser breaks down the ink particles, which are then absorbed by the body and eventually fade away.

What are the benefits of laser tattoo removal?

  • Partial or complete removal of a tattoo without scarring
  • Relatively quick and painless procedures, typically 15-20 minutes in length
  • Effective treatment of stubborn, high-quality inks and tattoos
  • The ability to clear the skin safely
  • More self-confidence in one’s appearance
  • An affordable way to remove unwanted tattoos from visible areas of the skin

What are the risks of laser tattoo removal?

The risks associated with laser tattoo removal are typically minor and can include temporary discomfort, redness, and swelling at the treatment site. In rare cases, more serious side effects such as scarring or skin discoloration may occur.

How do I find out if laser tattoo removal is proper for me?

If you’re considering laser tattoo removal, be sure to consult with one of our professionals at Bay Area Laser Cosmetic Surgery Center, who has extensive experience with this procedure. They will be able to assess your individual case and determine if laser tattoo removal is right for you. Call one of our two office locations in Larkspur and Pinhole to discuss solutions.


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