Facelifts are providing better results than ever

Even if you’ve kept up an anti-aging regimen of various non-surgical procedures, such as Botox, fillers, chemical peels and laser treatments, the time may come when you are ready for a more long-term solution.
You could be ready for a facelift
Today’s surgical facelift procedures can correct some of the more serious signs of aging by tightening sagging skin and facial muscles and providing you with a more youthful appearance by improving chin, jawline and overall facial contour. A facelift can reverse signs of aging, and the results can last ten years or longer.
There’s more than one way to rejuvenate your face
Mini facelift
Non-surgical alternatives (the liquid facelift)
Surgical facelift
Neck lift
The approach or combination of approaches you choose will depend on your individual needs and goals.
Men are enjoying the benefits of a facelift
A facelift can be equally effective for men and women. And statistics indicate that an increasing number of men are seeking the benefits of facelift surgery for a variety of reasons, including improving their appearance and staying competitive in their careers.
Your health, attitude and preparation affect your results
Three to four weeks before surgery:
Stop smoking
Stop taking certain medications, such as ibuprofen which can increase bleeding and bruising
Prepare for the recovery period
This includes such things as arranging for transportation to and from the procedure, planning for downtime, dealing with initial appearance and knowing when to expect final results.
Other procedures can enhance your facelift or be used in place of one
Some of our patients combine their facelift surgery with other procedures, such as:
A neck lift
A forehead/brow lift
A fat graft
Facial implants
Chemical or laser peels
Fillers and Botox
One or more of these treatments can also be used to improve appearance, especially for those who don’t feel ready for a full surgical facelift.
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Serebrakian
You can work together to best determine which procedures will best help you meet your appearance goals. Call for your appointment today:
In Pinole (East Bay): (510) 724-8282
In Larkspur (North Bay): (415) 461-5755

This entry was posted
on Thursday, June 30th, 2016 at 5:04 am and is filed under Face Lift.
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