Look younger, practically in the blink of an eye

It’s perfectly natural. As we age, our eyelids sag. The effects can include making us look tired, cranky, sad… and older. It might be inevitable, but it’s also correctable.
It usually happens in the late 30s or early 40s
Genetics and sun damage can affect the timing, but eventually it happens to everyone: the thin skin above and below our eyes loses elasticity and creates loose, excess folds of skin. Aging also causes the muscles beneath the skin to grow weaker. In the lower eyelid area this can allow fat to protrude through, creating “bags” under the eyes. In the upper eyelids, weaker muscles cause the area to droop. And wrinkles and creases are common for the delicate skin around the eyes, occurring in the 20s for many people.
The aging of the upper eyelids
The skin can actually begin to hang down to the point where it interferes with vision. Patients describe an uncomfortable feeling of heaviness in their upper lids. Some can actually feel the excess skin, as if it’s sitting on the lash line. Some experience frequent headaches from straining to hold the excess skin up high enough to keep in out of their peripheral vision.
The aging of the lower eyelids
Many of us develop not only crepey skin and wrinkles in the lower eyelid area, but we also get puffy looking from the formation of fat bags.
You look tired! Are you sad? Are you mad?
All the various changes that happen to our eyelids as we age can alter our looks in many ways, and most of the changes detract from our appearance.
Discover blepharoplasty
The cosmetic plastic surgery procedure can improve and/or correct:
Drooping upper eyelids caused by sagging skin, often impairing vision
Puffy bags and excess skin under the eyes
Wrinkles and crow’s feet
Restoring a more youthful appearance may be easier than your think
Blepharoplasty is fairly affordable procedure; and pain, bruising and recovery time are fairly minimal. Call us for a consultation appointment today:
In Pinole (East Bay): (510) 724-8282
In Larkspur (North Bay): (415) 461-5755

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on Saturday, July 30th, 2016 at 2:39 am and is filed under Blepharoplasty.
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