What Concerns Can a Blepharoplasty Address?

Eyelid,Surgery,,Laser,Blepharoplasty.,Beautician,Hands,Drawing,Lines,With,PenBlepharoplasty, or eye surgery, is a cosmetic surgery designed to remove excess skin from around a patient’s eyelids. It can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. Blepharoplasty may be needed because, as we get older, the muscles around the eyes naturally get weaker. Because of this, excess skin and fat can form. Blepharoplasty helps to relieve these concerns, which is why it has become so popular over the years. There are several other issues that the procedure can address as well that, for many people, are certainly worth a closer look.

What Can the Blepharoplasty Procedure Address?

One of the most common issues that blepharoplasty can help relieve is droopy eyelids and excess skin on the upper eyelids.

In some cases, excess skin around the eyes can partially block their peripheral vision. Their central vision remains largely unaffected, which can create frustrating and otherwise dangerous situations. This is another concern that blepharoplasty can help address.

Other concerns that blepharoplasty can help resolve include but are not limited to excess skin on the lower eyelids and bags under the eyes.

Can I Combine Blepharoplasty With Other Procedures?

Due to the nature of blepharoplasty, it can be performed simultaneously with other procedures, such as facelifts and brow lifts. Many patients combine blepharoplasty with other procedures to shorten overall recovery times and achieve more dramatic results.

How To Prepare for Blepharoplasty

If you’re interested in the blepharoplasty procedure, here are a few things you can do to prepare:

  • Schedule a consultation. A consultation is a great opportunity to discuss your goals and concerns and get your questions answered. During this time, your surgeon will ensure you’re a candidate for the procedure and that you have no existing conditions that could affect your procedure.
  • Complete an eye exam. This will test to see if you have any blind spots in your vision and ensure it’s safe for your eyes.
  • Quit any medications as recommended by your surgeon. Some medications can be dangerous to take during a procedure and recovery.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’d like to find out more information about the top concerns that blepharoplasty can address, or if you have any additional questions about that you’d like to go over in more detail, please get in touch with the Bay Area Laser Cosmetic Surgery Center today at 415-461-5755 to schedule your consultation.


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