For those of you who may have murky memories of your mother (or another adult in your life) having a facelift back in the 80s, you might have sworn then and there you’d never have the procedure.
You might remember the patient drinking through a straw while moaning and groaning and taking lots of painkillers. You might also remember a miserable person with an extremely swollen and bruised face that looked a lot worse than before the surgery.
The results were probably amazing, even back in the day
If you saw that 80s plastic surgery patient about three weeks after the procedure, you were probably amazed at the transformation. The swollen, unidentifiable face now probably looked like she’d gone back in time about ten years or more. The goal back then was the same as today: looking softer, smoother and like a more youthful version of yourself. The long, painful recovery period was just a requirement of the process – the high price you had to pay for looking so much better.
That was then
So many advances have been made in the facelift procedure, including the recovery. But it’s still surgery. However, if you’ve gotten to the point where peels, Botox, and fillers simply aren’t making the kind of impact on aging that you want, it might be time to look into having a facelift, 2017 style.
A facelift surgically repositions the skin, fat, and muscle of the face
The surgery is designed to re-establish and rejuvenate the contour of your face and neck. It is often the procedure of choice for people between 40-75 years of age who are unhappy about signs of facial and neck aging, such as:
Loss of facial prominence in the cheek area
Sagging skin, muscle banding on the neck
Drooping forehead
Recovery is typically between one and two weeks and mostly to resolve swelling and bruising.
Learn more about today’s facelift techniques
Everyone is different, and we can help you find the right procedures for you.
Call for a consultation appointment today: In Pinole (East Bay), call (510) 724-8282; In Larkspur (North Bay), call: (415) 461-5755.
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on Tuesday, February 28th, 2017 at 2:09 am and is filed under Face Lift.
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